Site solution is obvious

Record Editorial

Even with county-spending growing and staff rosters increasing, the word didn’t make it through the system that the site near the Hop Shed in Fall City was a known archaeological site.

Consequently, we have a piece of ground historically representing ancestors of the

Snoqualmie Tribe; a site, owned by the county, currently unused and potentially

containing archeological information that provides an in-depth glimpse into

tribal culture. So who will benefit from the Tribe taking the lead in a

full-blown excavation of the site? Everyone.

A recently recognized tribe, the Snoqualmie Indians have yet to call

a piece of land their own. The Valley is rich in Indian culture and, likely, rich

in archeological treasures. So let’s do the right thing King County and

donate this piece of land, obviously the Snoqualmie’s at one point, back to the

Tribe, step away and assist in funding excavation of the site. Think of the benefits

the Tribe could provide in the way of hands-on education of local school

children as the site is excavated, similar to the opportunities afforded at the Tolt

River Watershed site. The difference this time is there will be no time

constraints, allowing for a thorough, Tribe-managed project.

Yes, the soccer association will be out one full-sized field, but I would

bet even they recognize the importance of this site to the Tribe and

surrounding communities. Maybe a little assistance by the County in helping the

under-facilitated sports organizations in Snoqualmie Valley would ease some of

the pressure felt by the soccer association.

In addition to excavation, let’s help the Snoqualmies build an

interpretive center on the site, with facilities for local medical care of Tribal

members. Anything spent for these types of facilities is not only a great gesture, but is

as much an investment in King County as any sports stadium.

So this plea is to you, our County representatives; Dave Irons Jr. and

Louise Miller. If we can spend money to buy 418 acres of Middle Fork land for

preservation, we can sure as heck donate this piece of land to the tribe and

assist them financially in excavation and, if wanted, development. School

children, Tribal members and Snoqualmie Valley could potentially benefit for

many years.

Jim McKiernan