Occasionally in life one meets a gentleman who stands out from
the rest of us. A person who isn’t seeking riches or honor from his fellow
men but rather is a self-motivated organizer who knows how to accomplish
tasks that benefit us all. He is known among his friends as Wade Holden. Why do
I write the Editor of our local Valley paper about this person? It’s
because of one act that took him three years to do that impressed this rancher.
Mr. Holden, with the help of convicts, pulled 30 years’ worth of car
and truck parts out of the Snoqualmie River along the Middle Fork S
Ranch boundary. This junk was thrown off the Mount Si Road Bridge and
retrieved from the local kids’ swimming hole just below the bridge’s
rope swing. It isn’t easy to get rid of vehicle parts once they are out of
the main stream.
The Washington State Patrol must search serial part numbers after
making several site inspections. Since this junk was now on our ranch
property, there were forms and affidavits to complete. Mr. Holden and I never
gave up hope of getting rid of this debris properly for the benefit of the kids
and fish that swim by the bridge.
Ewing Stringfellow, Owner
Middle Fork S Ranch
North Bend