Your newspaper is a forum for all

Voltaire once said, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Voltaire once said, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

As your local community newspaper, the Snoqualme Valley Record is dedicated to covering all sides of Valley news and events, fairly, accurately and without bias.

Since 1913, the Record and its editorial pages have also been a forum for local perspectives, opinions and views on many community and regional issues.

As with all newspapers, in its role as a community forum, the Valley Record is also obligated to accept letters to the editor and paid advertising forwarding perspectives on a local issue — both pro and con. This is regardless of whether we personally agree or disagree with the views or actions that are being expressed.

Many of our readers may recall that there were letters to the editor and full- and half-page paid advertisements published in the April 2008 Snoqualmie Valley Record that expressed opinions, views and perspectives from all sides on the Day of Silence at Mount Si High School.

As in April 2008, this month we’ve received letters to the editor and one or two phone calls to the Record, expressing strong views both for and against this year’s Day of Silence. We have also received comments for or against this community newspaper’s publication of a paid advertisement against the Day of Silence.

Once again, our simple mission here at the Record is to inform by accurately reporting the news, events and issues important to Snoqualmie Valley. We strive to be a community forum for local views, perspectives and opinions about those issues. In doing so, we hope that our readers will gain valuable insight into the topics shaping our world, our society and our Valley.

• William Shaw is publisher of the Snoqualmie Valley Record. E-mail him at